You are most likely here because you clicked on "help" in the Explorer for Windows app.In that case, please click on the big red donload button and install the service on a windows pc.
If you still do not see any servers please consult the manuals.
What is it?
Explore the Windows filesystem from you iPad/Iphone.Autodetect computer, no hassle with ip addresses usernames or security. Install and go!
Browse through all disks folders and files.
Download files and open them in the right app on you device.
Search recursive for files.
Preview images.
Get basic information about file, folder and disk size and age.
Delete files and folders.
Execute files on the Windows computer.
Reboot Windows computer.
You can execute vbscripts on the windows computer. Use those for emptying of the printer que, log out users, stop programs, starting backup's etc etc etc.The swiss army knife of system management.
On the computer you can set several security features. Lock in folder, lock out folder. Allow deleting and executing. Hide or show hidden files and folders. Limit connection to one defiend client. It is possible to configure the app for use outside your local network.
You can change the whole look and feel of the app, all icons are interchangeable. A filetype we did not think about, upload filetype.png image to the app and it will show that icon. Read the manual for more information.
If autodetect server dos not work, try a static server.Try the ip adress, the hostname or hostname and primary DND suffix
On the windows machine execute a cmd box, type "ipconfig /all". All the info is there!

The url should be something like http://barney.flinstones.web-builders.nl:7070
On the windows iphone/ipad open safari, type the url, if it is correct you will see: Hi, nothing to see here, keep moving!
The right servername ont the device then is barney.flinstones.web-builders.nl

In the near future a OSX version of the service will see the light. And we are thinking about a few others. Also cut copy and paste functions are in beta, so you can move files on your server(s) around.Suggestions?
Mail all of them zipped to harm@my-inter.net. Who knows......
Do you have the most beautiful icon set and the world needs to know?Vb scripts
Advanced scripting? Want to share? Batch files that preform miracles?Sugestions
New features? Need to know the API? Would you like to build another version?Mail all of them zipped to harm@my-inter.net. Who knows......